
As a studio, we believe the best way to improve diversity in the design professions is through inclusionary education, active mentorship, and encouragement. We have developed a curriculum of highly interactive design workshops to both showcase and introduce architecture and design thinking concepts to a new generation of designers and future leaders.

In 2019, just over 11% of architects in the United States identified as a racial or ethnic minority, according to NCARB by the Numbers. And while representation along most career stages has increased slowly over the past several years, candidates of color are still 31% more likely to stop pursuing licensure.

The American Institute of Architects reported in 2019 that membership was roughly 25.1% women and 70.8% Men with 16.4% BIPOC representation. Women and minorities have historically been, and still are underrepresented in design.

Led and developed by Steven Scharrer and Dhvani Doshi, our workshops aim to empower students to make decisions and exercise their creativity by stepping into the role of architect.

Since 2021, we sought to facilitate discussions about students’ designs, encourage collaboration, provide positive and constructive feedback to foster creativity, and work to make clear connections between the creative problem solving we teach workshops and the skills they are currently learning in school.